Tuesday, May 03, 2005

dishonesty some

so even a blog is not enough to impel me to write on a regular basis...the mind is burnt and I continue to hold the flame to it, perhaps approach it closer even, and so if mediocrity is all that will pour from this mind, better not post it to the web and sign off like some proud aspiring writer...

But I already said I wouldn't talk of this anymore, so I should really move off the topic to better things like my obsession, or not obsession, but my unbridled urge to consume consume...it's all indulgence and very unnecessary, but what is to be done? A very fundamental change must happen, entailing the development of some kind of physical aversion to the acquisition of more shit--slowly happening, but more in the form of post-consumption guilt, or a diffused general feeling that you shouldn't be consuming so much all the while consuming without abandon...


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